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Who will be the beneficiary of the Emission Trading Scheme?

Who will be the beneficiary of the Emission Trading Scheme?




The Carbon Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) is a market-based system that allows companies and governments to trade carbon credits or permits that allow them to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The aim of this system is to reduce the overall emissions of these gases by providing economic incentives for businesses and governments to reduce emissions.


The Carbon Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) sets an upper limit on emissions, allowing companies that emit less than their allocated emission allowance to sell unused credit to other companies that must emit more than their allowance. This creates financial incentives for businesses to reduce emissions because low-emissions companies can benefit from selling unused allowances.


Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) can encourage shipbuilders to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by investing in more fuel-efficient and less emission technologies. For these reasons, Korean shipbuilders should be interested in low-carbon technologies and seek related countermeasures as soon as possible to avoid the negative impact of the carbon trade system, thereby maintaining the competitiveness and taking the lead in the Korean shipyard market.


Currently, due to this Scheme, Panasia has developed a technology to collect and isolate carbon dioxide, and Panasia is commercializing a collection and storage (CCS) technology that collects carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere.


Panasia's carbon capture device is an eco-friendly technology that separates and recovers carbon dioxide emitted from large emission sources such as power plants and ships that burn fossil fuels using amine-based liquid absorbents.



The carbon dioxide capture device for ships developed by Panasia received AIP (Approval In Principle) approval from Korea Shipping (KR) for the first time in Korea, and is striving to establish itself as a solution provider through cooperation with various companies.